HSP (Highly Sensitive People) and other NDs

HSP (Highly Sensitive People) and other NDs

I think it's important for us Neurodivergent people to add, and keep adding, and keep adding... our voices to the conversations. Normalize neurodivergence A LOT more than it is right now, and connect with other neurodivergent people, building communities of support and friends who can cheer one another on in this very challenging world.

One way I add my voice to the conversations is on my YouTube channel, Every F*cking Thing, where we talk about, well, every fucking thing! Parenting, living, surviving, feeling, learning, growing, laughing, and yes, also Interior Design! Literally, all the things. I have no box to put myself in over there, no topic that I won't discuss if I find it important and intriguing enough... and even if I don't, I just might talk about it anyways haha. 

Please note: I'm a Leftist, Progressive, Intersectional Feminist, and I'm sometimes very cussy and unsensored, so if that's not your bag, you might want to think about taking a pass on the YouTube channel. But if you're in, I am too, so come have some fun with me and join the conversations (or just listen if you're feeling too shy)... you'll add your voice when you're ready, I just know it. 

We're very friendly over there, so come swing by. But be nice. I have no tolerance for hateful bullshit and/or political, social justice, anti-anyone arguments. 

Let's Be Social!